Lost City Of Kampuchea
Hello everyone! This is my first hideout creation ever, I've done edits but never my own! a friend of mine told me maybe i should create my own, So from his inspiration and many of my other friends on poe and real life, Here i am deciding to upload my own :) Enjoy everyone and thank you!
Just to let fans know my hideout is NOOB FRIENDLY NO NEED FOR MTX. :)
3.6 Final version
3.1 latest edition :) Reworked alot - check changelog :) 5/25/2019
- Rework floor bug for stuttering/lag (everything run smoother) - Added poacher's market - Added Armour market Fixed decorations - Less cost efficient *Less slum building Redecorate building, other misc
added flags, *Rework floors at ship area* - Added bridge*
3.7 coming up! After 2 years i hiatus i'm finally returning into POE! update coming soon
Link to forum
Thank you for the kind compliment! I have ways to go to make it perfect. The sad part about my hideout it will never be perfect and there always room for improvements. I wish people jumped into my project more and explain to me the dislike and likes. I'm super welcoming of criticism it only makes me better!
As for the hideout masters yea i never worked on that, just thought they look cool. I'll look into making more room accodomading for them - So things are adjustable to people style. The oriath scaffoldings yea that something i need to work on fully.
As for the new update with alpine i see that they remove the lake? But added them so they are adjustable that a super major improvement i'm looking to update! So please if anyone else have any issues please let me know :) Thank you!
Post your comment - no urls please
Total decorations: 758
Uses MTX: No
Decoration name | MTX | Count |
Alva | No | 1 |
Crafting Bench | No | 1 |
Einhar | No | 1 |
Guild Stash | No | 1 |
Helena | No | 1 |
Jun | No | 1 |
Map Device | No | 1 |
Navali | No | 1 |
Niko | No | 1 |
Sharpening Wheel | No | 1 |
Stash | No | 1 |
Waypoint | No | 1 |
Zana | No | 1 |
Ancient Books | No | 1 |
Body Armour Stand | No | 1 |
Slave Pens Barrel | No | 7 |
Slave Pens Chair | No | 4 |
Bow Rack | No | 1 |
Full Armour Stand | No | 2 |
Ruined Standing Lamp | No | 5 |
Slave Pens Bunk Bed | No | 1 |
Temple Basin | No | 5 |
Crypt Tomb | No | 16 |
Hungry Exile | No | 19 |
Tired Exile | No | 20 |
Vaal Bookshelf | No | 1 |
Weathered Grave | No | 54 |
Dig Machinery | No | 1 |
Frightened Exile | No | 9 |
Slave Pens Dining Table | No | 1 |
Slave Pens Rug | No | 1 |
Thick Trees | No | 2 |
Highgate Weapon Rack | No | 2 |
Large Aqueduct Boat | No | 4 |
Mast Arch | No | 1 |
Ramshackle Hut | No | 6 |
Ruined Arch | No | 2 |
Sarn Archway | No | 1 |
Burlap Sack | No | 7 |
Barrels | No | 2 |
Buckets | No | 1 |
Dead Fish | No | 2 |
Menagerie Bucket | No | 3 |
Menagerie Feeding Trough | No | 2 |
Ramshackle Ladder | No | 1 |
Wooden Plate | No | 3 |
Camp Rug | No | 11 |
Fish Stand | No | 2 |
Forest Tree | No | 4 |
Maulhead Basket | No | 1 |
Meat Baskets | No | 1 |
Depressed Exile | No | 21 |
Garden Path | No | 52 |
Menagerie Food Tray | No | 5 |
Shore Bonfire | No | 3 |
Snowy Hay Bale | No | 1 |
Wounded Exile | No | 21 |
Bandit Tent | No | 2 |
Menagerie Cage Fence | No | 1 |
Pit Flags | No | 5 |
Weathered Crane | No | 1 |
Menagerie Large Trough | No | 3 |
Large Tent | No | 1 |
Medium Tent | No | 1 |
Sandy Grave | No | 20 |
Planter Box | No | 2 |
Sword Display Case | No | 1 |
Karui Weapon Rack | No | 2 |
Oriathan Child | No | 51 |
Sand Pile | No | 4 |
Syndicate Flag | No | 1 |
Syndicate Ladder | No | 2 |
Syndicate Shelf | No | 1 |
Blacksmith's Barrel | No | 2 |
Snowy Rock | No | 19 |
Syndicate Armour Rack | No | 5 |
Syndicate Mannequin | No | 1 |
Blacksmith's Rack | No | 1 |
Large Snowy Rock | No | 36 |
Syndicate Shield Stand | No | 2 |
Weapon Display Table | No | 2 |
Iron Candelabra | No | 3 |
Damaged Barrels | No | 2 |
Iron Lantern | No | 8 |
Scattered Books | No | 5 |
Library Book Pile | No | 4 |
Steam Pipes | No | 2 |
Sulphite Light | No | 15 |
Wooden Workbench | No | 1 |
Damaged Shelves | No | 6 |
Light Cargo Wagon | No | 1 |
Skull Display | No | 2 |
Steam Hydrant | No | 2 |
Wooden Hut | No | 2 |
Laboratory Shelf | No | 2 |
Looted Stand | No | 1 |
Maraketh Lantern | No | 1 |
Relic Stand | No | 3 |
Stall Counter | No | 8 |
Elaborate Stall | No | 9 |
Functional Stall | No | 4 |
Slum Building | No | 31 |
Travel Wagon | No | 1 |
Book Pile | No | 1 |
Innocence Candle | No | 1 |
Oriath Barrels | No | 4 |
Ornate Basin | No | 1 |
Wooden Planks | No | 40 |
Candelabrum | No | 3 |
Oriath Weapons Crate | No | 2 |
Oriathan Books | No | 3 |
Snow Drift | No | 6 |
Courthouse Armchair | No | 2 |
Innocence Candelabra | No | 14 |
Oriath Army Barrel | No | 5 |
Oriath Lantern | No | 9 |
Oriath Supply Crate | No | 1 |
Arena Petals | No | 1 |
Oriath Armour Crate | No | 12 |
Oriath Ladder | No | 9 |
Standing Lamp | No | 1 |
Plant Pot | No | 1 |
Court Bookcase | No | 5 |
Gilded Book Shelf | No | 2 |
Hanging Lamp | No | 6 |
Jury Stand | No | 1 |
Ramshackle Wall | No | 2 |
Arena Flowers | No | 1 |
Flag | No | 2 |
Letters of Exile | No | 1 |
Oriath Scaffolding | No | 17 |
Side Table | No | 2 |
Version number | MTX | Publish date | Total favor | Total decorations | Downloads | Link |
3.6 | No | 2019-06-05 03:05:28 | 4,020,350 | 758 | 1558 | Download |
3.6 | 05 Jun 2019 - 03:05
Fixed misc/decoration cost
I finally testes this today and love how its full of life and people.
-Perfect snow theme for Alphine!!
-Its really good how you managed the map device, it doenst matter where you are standing, when you click on it the character moves to the correct place and always opens, thats so perfect.
What i see rare:
-You cannot access jun full portals, but its not neccesary, you can manage with what you have but not worth it on full party.
-Alva same, you cannot access full portals, not neccesary alone but in a party or something will be a pain.
-I dont like the "oriath scaffoldings" that block the view of the map device, when you exit the map you cannot see anything xD